Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Life lessons 😌

 Not everyone is your friend.

Not everyone is going to like you. 

There are some people that are difficult to love. 

Be patient, kind, respectful and most important ✨️ let go and let live ✨️ 

Love your self ❤️ 

Create your own imperfect world 🌎 

Have a little bit of faith 🙏

Good night 😴 

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Things only a mom will do

Honestly when was the last time we actually took a break?

Growing up in NY my days were always filled with things to do, and being a large hispanic family made it even better.
My mornings were a hassle, and pretty much nothing has changed 🙃. 
As for now the only difference is that I made them (kiddos) lol...
I'm really happy to have them all 💕 my little Einstein, the YouTuber, the princess, and the youngest edition tbt 🤔.
As if I didn't have enough I decided to use this app called Mercari to kind of get rid of things that either don't fit or are taking space in our closet, I hope you can check it out 🤗.
As a family of 8 including 2 fur boys 🐕 I totally understand ♻️ recycled, reuse, and repurpose. I know it's the 5R's but I'm getting there 😅.
Here are our family web pages ❤
This post contains affiliate links; I will make a commission at no extra cost to you, should you click through and make a purchase.

Sign up for Mercari and get up to $30. Here's my invitation link :

Like always thanks for reading and God Bless!
Amazon Prime Free Trial

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

It's 2,22,22

Wow time has passed so quickly!

I feel like it was just yesterday when we were talking about 2020 and wishing for a better 2021 and now is the second month of 2022.
We most count our blessings 🙌 

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Finances and money.

 People so often say that money doesn't give you happiness. Nevertheless do they know that money it self does not hold any value, it is the value we allow money to have. Usually money determines what we eat, what we wear, where we live and so many more things.

The value we pour into money, for example if you hold a minimum wage job and work 40 hours a day that means that the money you receive on payday it's worth 40 plus hours of your life time. Now we all know that working with a full-time job does not mean that you are making enough money to retire or to have a healthy organic eating family with a beautiful house in a beautiful neighborhood, and that is when I ask my self am I really just worth that minimum wage? Am I going to have to work 30 to 50 years selling my 40 hours of life a week to receive minimum in exchange?

Well, I guess I didn't learn much in school! but for what I see is that a life time will not be enough. Yes money by it self holds no value, but when you have money you can add value to life as the world today runs with money. Life is becoming more expensive each day and yes you can be minimalist, frugal, and cheap but society will always shame you! I guess it depends how you much you sell those 40 hours a week that will determine what life can be with no debt, over exaggerated bills and commodities. 

This are my Tuesday thoughts, please let me know how are you selling your 40 hrs?

Thanks for reading and God Bless 🙌<iframe src="//" width="300" height="250" scrolling="no" border="0" marginwidth="0" style="border:none;" frameborder="0" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-popups allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation"></iframe>hop/CMOA

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Four kids

 Okay, sometimes it's hard to handle a full time job and four little kiddos running around and just having fun.

I have been truly challenged and blessed at the same time, I think I have the most amazing kids. I mean they are kids after all, we have a YouTube channel that ofcourse we started during quarantine and that keeps them busy until they get bored watching themselves. Now we are selling old items on this new app mercari not sure what is going to happen but we are officially giving it a try. Hopefully we can get rid of unwanted things and make room for something we can enjoy.

Thank you for reading, and support!

Feel free to comment what do you do to keep your kids busy!

Sign up for Mercari and get up to $30. Here's my invitation link :

Two New Ways to Earn + $5 Coupon for Readers

Sunday, January 3, 2021

The year 2020

 What a year we had!

Most definitely 2020 was challenging, I mean 

My first pandemic

My fourth child ( a different story)

Home schooling 

My first elf on a shelf for Christmas 

Baking a therapeutic relaxing moment 

My first R. V. (another different story)

Well what else can I say, what a year. I usually enjoy the time I spent at home with the kids and family when we go an visit them, but this year most definitely I enjoyed the most knowing how blessed I am to have what a have and thats truly what makes me happy.❤🙌

I just wanted to wish everyone a great start of 2021 remember to enjoy life and do not take things for granted as things are valuable but replaceable, love people as we are not replaceable and our worth is beyond measurement.

Remember to stay clean beautiful and healthy here is my page where I get products that help me on the daily basis.

Love always 

Carmen Orellana Amaya

Life lessons 😌

 Not everyone is your friend. Not everyone is going to like you.  There are some people that are difficult to love.  Be patient, kind, respe...