Sunday, January 3, 2021

The year 2020

 What a year we had!

Most definitely 2020 was challenging, I mean 

My first pandemic

My fourth child ( a different story)

Home schooling 

My first elf on a shelf for Christmas 

Baking a therapeutic relaxing moment 

My first R. V. (another different story)

Well what else can I say, what a year. I usually enjoy the time I spent at home with the kids and family when we go an visit them, but this year most definitely I enjoyed the most knowing how blessed I am to have what a have and thats truly what makes me happy.❤🙌

I just wanted to wish everyone a great start of 2021 remember to enjoy life and do not take things for granted as things are valuable but replaceable, love people as we are not replaceable and our worth is beyond measurement.

Remember to stay clean beautiful and healthy here is my page where I get products that help me on the daily basis.

Love always 

Carmen Orellana Amaya

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