People so often say that money doesn't give you happiness. Nevertheless do they know that money it self does not hold any value, it is the value we allow money to have. Usually money determines what we eat, what we wear, where we live and so many more things.
The value we pour into money, for example if you hold a minimum wage job and work 40 hours a day that means that the money you receive on payday it's worth 40 plus hours of your life time. Now we all know that working with a full-time job does not mean that you are making enough money to retire or to have a healthy organic eating family with a beautiful house in a beautiful neighborhood, and that is when I ask my self am I really just worth that minimum wage? Am I going to have to work 30 to 50 years selling my 40 hours of life a week to receive minimum in exchange?
Well, I guess I didn't learn much in school! but for what I see is that a life time will not be enough. Yes money by it self holds no value, but when you have money you can add value to life as the world today runs with money. Life is becoming more expensive each day and yes you can be minimalist, frugal, and cheap but society will always shame you! I guess it depends how you much you sell those 40 hours a week that will determine what life can be with no debt, over exaggerated bills and commodities.
This are my Tuesday thoughts, please let me know how are you selling your 40 hrs?
Thanks for reading and God Bless 🙌<iframe src="//" width="300" height="250" scrolling="no" border="0" marginwidth="0" style="border:none;" frameborder="0" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-popups allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation"></iframe>hop/CMOA
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